Friday, July 8, 2016

7th Day of July

So that day finally came upon life, And up until then I had been a stranger to it. Light in the sky and darkness in the night of this day, like any other. And then, the day has travelled on once again, I guess it was to be expected. It moves into the memory of days, So then there is another day to focus upon. Isn't it funny how the past seems to remain when it is gone? And the people who once were, in this past can remain the same, and remain, are recreated within the love for them that you find inside? I guess that love knows no time. Will not change according to the calendar of days. And the spectrum of love can never change, and who it springs between, and who it remains in the heart with. And in this visitation to life, all you have to do is decease from the thinking of now, until you look around at what has been given to you in your life, and see what there is and has been and remains and is and always will be. There is no past in love, it lets go of its moment only to be renewed as it is remembered, embraced and indeed, loved. So there is no escape, there is no release. You are apparently trapped within the love that you found in this life for yourself, and to be in touch with this, you have to be stilled, and get into the slowness and the peace of it all. It will follow you in your life, it is you. and you needn't fear, unless you fear life itself. And if you fear this life that you are living, and fear your feeling and the ones that you shared feeling with, then you aren't really alive anymore.

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