Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The New Order

They're throwing the lions to the Christians, the circus is on fire, and the government is all in jail. The world is having second thoughts, and science is questioning its sanity. Tomorrow is the prospect of unpredictability, some are frightened into the comfort of their easy answers, and some are on fire with their imaginations. And just around the corner from tomorrow are wild dreams of crazy truth. Freedom is in the air, and the air has the whiff of options and opportunities. Doors open wide to a new reality, what appeared to be lost, now appears to have been mislaid, uninformed, confused, overwhelmed. And the Christians sure are battling the lions, like the fight is from past lifetimes. Buddha sits still and smiles a fat smile, remembering how he left his loved ones and went on the road. I guess that at last his conscience is starting to bother him. The sun rains on a moonlit day, the earth escapes into the wilderness, all the comfort left, is in the fire of love, it is unchangable. It remains true, it dwells in hearts of love, and it explodes into beauty.

Silence and Sound

Interrupting me when I don't want to talk, there is more to peace than silence, when I have nothing to say. Some people seem to be afraid of the absence of sound. And then there is that screaming silence, a quiet aggression, A beautiful stillness, pervades sometimes, nonetheless, it reaches into the heart of you and it comforts and it shelters it walks you in its own direction and you have no choice but to follow.


A meandering wind, takes me to places I never been. I wonder if poverty creates greed, and I have never been to poverty, but somehow, I am being shown the way to go there. The night is still, except for me, I am not still in the night. I am restless, and I wonder if my restlessness is noticed by the night. Dreams escape from the ether, they now gain life in a real place, they are mattering. And so far away from me, in a different place, glory exists, it does not take itself easily, it will not subside. Glory has its pride, and is attentive and stands lateral to my movement. The song appears to have died, there was disparity between the lyric and the air. And music is alive and it thrills.

A new Day

And yesterday it was my birthday. A have now reached the ago of 72. I am enjoying this getting older I have to confess. I have no fear for i...