Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Increasing Spirit

Woke up this morning with my spirit depressed and then I asked myself 'why should my spirit be like this? And I determined to make things different, and increase my spirit, and the day has been good, seems like sometimes you have to fight the spirit that you wake up with in the morning, question and not accept it, and realise the power within.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Time Again

Dark and grey and the bank is on the telephone, eyes think of tears, and meaning has reclined from the day, and then, waiting for that precise moment, where care meets with care and the abandonment of the anxious time, and looking within for changes, searching for betterment for within and without, outside of the dream of the sleeping day, and seeking to be at ease in the present moment, and the changes that it necessarily must bring, and losing the future and the past, or fusing them in a sane way with the moment, and it is Easter time and the heart and mind return to almost a century ago in the persecuted city, of the heroes of justice, giving their all for the future lives of generations to come, for no present reward. I give you Pearse and Connolly and Ceannt and Clarke and Plunkett and McDiarmuid and McDonagh, I don't feel the need to try to remember them at each Easter time, it is almost as if they remind me to remember them, and who I am and how lesser I am than them, and the brave men and women who followed them, let them never be forgotten nor their esteem lessened.

A new Day

And yesterday it was my birthday. A have now reached the ago of 72. I am enjoying this getting older I have to confess. I have no fear for i...