Monday, December 30, 2013


There is but one moment, it is a fusion of the present and the past, and ideas of the future, it is all in the personal view of the life, and no matter how much we want to think outside of ourselves, we are trapped in our own life, and this life is our opportunity for movement, so then there is personal expression and action, and then there is the competition of outside forces, and then when you don't succeed in your situation, you tend to turn inward and give blame to yourself, but you can only be a part of the blame, when there has been a meeting of different forces, and mainly, you can only sense your own point of view, and mainly you can only see and remember the combination of the ideas and the words and the actions of interaction, and so ultimately there would appear to be something missing, something not obvious, a higher power, strings being pulled, truth being withheld, and you can then believe in God, or you can then not believe in God, but whatever it is that you may believe in, there is something bigger then we are, in this act of life, and of living.

A new Day

And yesterday it was my birthday. A have now reached the ago of 72. I am enjoying this getting older I have to confess. I have no fear for i...