Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Raven and The Dove

Funny how it bites when you aren't really looking nor paying much attention. The power invades you, and you don't want to even stop to wonder why, you just are, and just you are in that moment, with .............?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dark Truth

Its a simple game but a game with many versions, like the thought behind the answer to the question, like the quality of silence in Cistercians, and the ring of life has truly no diversion. Is there sun behind the whore in the darkness??

Saturday, June 11, 2011

One Saturday in June When I Had Taken a Rest from Living

There are too many people and they intermingle just a little bit too much. And then there are relational difficulties. Its a a great big roundabout where people hop on and off all the time. Perhaps everyone screws evrybody else one way or another.

Warm Summer Rain

Loving someone , you step outside of yourself, losing yourself in the midst of a picture you can recognise without seeing. Haunted by the moon and the demon pulls you open to a torture of the soul. SoI played my guitar and I sang songs to Venus and the songs were made of clay, when I had thought them living. I knew that I was a fool to be so foolish, and I ran away into another corner, finished the drink and threw the glass away, and she stood there crying in the wild jukebox evening and the day grew dark, and she consoled me with her care, and then there was fire, and the fire was a mountain, and as it tried to break its way into magic, the shepherd came with the memory of the ring, and she aligned herself with the feelings of the shepherd and she erased me. I walked into the deserted day, when it was indifferent and unknowing and it walked to the side of the world we had been in, and I picked up a candle in the flickering daylight and I was cornered by the years and they forced me to recognise them and know they were speeding and I smiled in my soul without tomorrow, and the moment grasped me and stopped me and I was passive, but recognised the moment without ever having seen it, and I was thankful of time anthe clock was silent and the day stood still but I was getting older and I saw the past, and the past ignored me and all I had left was a dream that I could not remember and I closed my eyes to mystery and blew the candle out and walked into the warm rain of the summer

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spirit of Light

Spirit of Light: The dam bursts into the open arms of the waiting nighttime, where the cold is dark and forbidding. Her name is like the wind and the cover of the sky, and she is in motlion. her eyes suggest a tranquil sound and I meet them in a storm of passion and I feel suspicious as I look upon my feelings. Somewhere someone is making love tonight and all that I can think about is consideration. its a subliminal world whre the conversation isn't really conversation, where fantasy is more fantastic and truth is imposssibkle to feel. And the daytime is like a magnet for the barren darkness, a present future where change is not for sale. The passive time of the present moment must be blown up into tommorrow when and where all at once a spirit of light will reveal.

A new Day

And yesterday it was my birthday. A have now reached the ago of 72. I am enjoying this getting older I have to confess. I have no fear for i...